Newsletter Excerpts

Important News for You

We would like to share a few articles we believe will be useful to you in your ongoing quest for wellness.  Please read on... 

Dr. Rob posted a great entry on his blog for NYC Bodymechanic regarding the assessment and treatment of the entire body for injury vs. just focusing on the point of pain.  Many old injuries get "stored" in the body and can pop up later in the form of a "new" injury.  Taking a look at the entire kinetic chain can often times illuminate a new pathway to symptom relief. 
Check it out here-
This second article talks directly to the ChiroFitness Inc. philosophy of combining corrective exercise with chiropractic care in order to treat injury, correct muscle and alignment imbalances and decrease the likelihood of re-injury.  We LOVE to toot our own horn but it's even better when someone else does it for us! 

Check it out here-

Thanks again for your kind words on Yelp and Facebook. We really appreciate the feedback!  It's a team effort and we feel fortunate to work with such high quality people such as all of you!

If you haven't had a chance to post a review to Yelp, we would appreciate your kind words. Here is a link to the review page.   ChiroFitness Yelp Review

Posted on June 15, 2015 .