What people are saying about Chirofitness
““My personal training work with Karen over the past several years has literally changed my life. Although I’ve always been very physically active, Karen has helped me focus my activities so that I can set, work towards, and ultimately meet and sometimes exceed my personal fitness goals. I appreciate Karen’s comprehensive yet practical approach to overall health and well-being and feel stronger, healthier, and more balanced because of her firm yet compassionate guidance. I highly recommend Karen to anyone is who serious about changing their lifestyle and committing themselves to taking the best care of themselves as possible.””
““I was an athlete and a dancer…and then I wasn’t! It was a long road to begin to find my inner-athlete again and literally reshape my life – but with Karen Pape’s help, I have been able to do this. She possesses outstanding knowledge of musculoskeletal functioning, is up on the latest training techniques and nutrition research - and understands fully how these things work together. And she always generously shares her knowledge. But the essence of Karen’s unbelievable coaching, guidance and support is her ability to zero in on what her client’s specific needs are – factoring in the whole person! She listens and hears! She supports yet pushes you to new heights. She asks all the right questions to hold you accountable in a very encouraging way. Cannot overstate the outstanding personal trainer that is Karen Pape.”
““I awoke with a migraine this morning; shooting pain behind the right eye radiating from my neck. It felt like my brain was going to explode out of my skull. Nausea, light sensitivity, the whole shebang. I didn’t have an appointment, but I contacted Dr. Pape and explained the situation. He squeezed me in within the hour, showing genuine concern. And then -snap, crackle, pop! — he fixed me and I could see straight, form coherent sentences, and the throbbing in my brain subsided.
5/5 stars for Dr. Pape and his team, but let’s give them another round of applause for consistently being outstanding at what they do!””
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